----------------- Version 4 May 3, 2013 ----------------- -ADDED: You can now copy the tile at your cursor by pressing C. -ADDED: You can now paste at your cursor by pressing V. -ADDED: You can now change the color of the tile at your cursor by pressing B. ----------------- Version 3 April 29, 2013 ----------------- -ADDED: Clear button in sprite window. -ADDED: You can now run by holding Shift. -FIXED: Paste now works correctly; it no longer carries over changes made after 'copy' is pressed. -CHANGED: Collision detection now far less strict. -CHANGED: No more 'loading' tiles; improved performance. ----------------- Version 2 April 29, 2013 ----------------- -FIXED: Threading/network bug that caused the game to crash and freeze. ----------------- Version 1 April 29, 2013 ----------------- Original Ludum Dare release.