using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media; using VBXSE; using System.IO; namespace ConqueringOneself { /// /// This is the main type for your game /// public class Main : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game { public Main() { Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; SpriteEngine.Initialize(this, 800, 600); } protected override void Initialize() { Input.Initialize(this); Combat.Initialize(this); base.Initialize(); } protected override void LoadContent() { SpriteEngine.LoadContent(); Audio.LoadContent(this); FirstStart(); } protected override void UnloadContent() { } protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { Input.Update(gameTime); Graphics.Update(gameTime); SpriteEngine.Update(gameTime); base.Update(gameTime); } protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); SpriteEngine.Draw(gameTime); base.Draw(gameTime); } //------------------------------ public enum GameState { None, SelectingMove, HandlingText, ClickToContinue, TitleScreen, LevelUp, Tutorial, NameEntry } public enum BattleState { Normal, Victorious, Defeat, OutOfBattle } public const int LEVELUP_MOVE_CHOICES = 3; public GText nameEntry1 = null; public GText nameEntry2 = null; public Character player; public Character enemy; public List enemyPattern; public int enemyPtnCounter = 0; public List yourAttacks; public int level = 1; public int victories = 0; public int losses = 0; public int tutorialState = 0; public Sprite tutorialSprite; public int userID = -1; public int selectedItem = 0; public GameState gameState = GameState.None; public BattleState battleState = BattleState.Normal; public List levelUpAttacks = new List(); public void FirstStart() { Graphics.Initialize(this); InitializeCharacter(); InitializeEnemy(); InitializeEnemyMoveListFirst(); LoadData(); if (tutorialState > 3) GoToTitleScreen(); else { HideAll(); if ( == "") NameEntry(); else Newbie(); } } public void HideAll() { Graphics.HideBackground(); Graphics.HideCombatStuff(); Graphics.HideDemonLord(); Graphics.HideLevelUp(); Graphics.HideMoves(); Graphics.HideTitle(); } public void NameEntry() { gameState = GameState.NameEntry; nameEntry1 = SpriteEngine.CreateGText("Hero, enter your name:", 250, 270); nameEntry2 = SpriteEngine.CreateGText("_", 300, 300); } public void Newbie() { tutorialState = 0; gameState = GameState.Tutorial; Audio.PlayMusic("RuleOfTheDemonLord"); tutorialSprite = SpriteEngine.CreateSprite("intro", Vector2.Zero); tutorialSprite.depth = -2000; } public void InitializeCharacter() { List starterAttacks = new List(); starterAttacks.Add(new Attack(0)); //Attack starterAttacks.Add(new Attack(1)); //Defend starterAttacks.Add(new Attack(2)); //Counterstrike string alreadyName = ""; if (player != null) { alreadyName =; } player = new Character(alreadyName, 100, 100, starterAttacks); } public void InitializeEnemy() { enemy = new Character("Demon Lord", (int)Math.Round((float)player.maxHP * 1.5f), (int)Math.Round((float)player.maxMP * 1.5f), player.availableAttacks); = 1; enemyPtnCounter = 0; yourAttacks = new List(); } public void InitializeEnemyMoveListFirst() { enemyPattern = new List(); enemyPattern.Add(new Attack(1)); //Defend enemyPattern.Add(new Attack(0)); //Attack } public void MoveSelection(int direction) { Audio.PlaySound("blip"); selectedItem += direction; if (gameState == GameState.SelectingMove) { while (selectedItem < 0) selectedItem += player.availableAttacks.Count; while (selectedItem >= player.availableAttacks.Count) selectedItem -= player.availableAttacks.Count; Graphics.DisplayMoves(); } else if (gameState == GameState.TitleScreen) { Graphics.scroll = 0; while (selectedItem < 0) selectedItem += Graphics.title_options.Count; while (selectedItem >= Graphics.title_options.Count) selectedItem -= Graphics.title_options.Count; Graphics.DisplayTitle(); } else if (gameState == GameState.LevelUp) { while (selectedItem < 0) selectedItem += LEVELUP_MOVE_CHOICES; while (selectedItem >= LEVELUP_MOVE_CHOICES) selectedItem -= LEVELUP_MOVE_CHOICES; Graphics.DisplayLevelUp(); } } public void Select() { Audio.PlaySound("select"); if (gameState == GameState.SelectingMove) { yourAttacks.Add(player.availableAttacks[selectedItem]); Graphics.HideMoves(); gameState = GameState.HandlingText; Combat.HandleTurn(); } else if (gameState == GameState.TitleScreen) { switch (Graphics.TITLE_MENU_OPTIONS[selectedItem]) { case "FIGHT THE DEMON LORD": StartCombat(); break; case "EXIT": this.Exit(); break; } } else if (gameState == GameState.LevelUp) { player.availableAttacks.Add(levelUpAttacks[selectedItem]); level++; if (tutorialState > 3) { GoToTitleScreen(); } else { Audio.PlayMusic("RuleOfTheDemonLord"); tutorialSprite = SpriteEngine.CreateSprite("postbattle", Vector2.Zero); tutorialSprite.depth = -2000; gameState = GameState.Tutorial; tutorialState++; } } } public void StartCombat() { Graphics.HideTitle(); InitializeEnemy(); Combat.StartCombat(); Graphics.DisplayMoves(); gameState = GameState.SelectingMove; } public void FinishText() { switch (battleState) { case BattleState.Normal: Graphics.DisplayMoves(); gameState = GameState.SelectingMove; break; case BattleState.Victorious: enemyPattern = yourAttacks; victories++; LevelUp(); break; case BattleState.Defeat: losses++; if (tutorialState > 3) GoToTitleScreen(); else { tutorialState = -1; gameState = GameState.Tutorial; tutorialSprite = SpriteEngine.CreateSprite("failure", Vector2.Zero); tutorialSprite.depth = -2000; } break; } } public void GoToTitleScreen() { selectedItem = 0; Graphics.EraseCombatLog(); Graphics.HideBackground(); Graphics.HideDemonLord(); Graphics.HideMoves(); Graphics.HideCombatStuff(); Graphics.HideLevelUp(); if (userID == -1) userID = HighScores.GetID(); if (userID != -1) HighScores.SubmitScore(userID,, level); HighScores.UpdateScores(); Graphics.DisplayTitle(); Audio.PlayMusic("RuleOfTheDemonLord"); gameState = GameState.TitleScreen; battleState = BattleState.OutOfBattle; SaveData(); } public void LevelUp() { selectedItem = 0; Audio.PlayMusic("LevelUp"); int HP_increase = (int)Math.Round((float)player.maxHP * 0.25f); int MP_increase = (int)Math.Round((float)player.maxMP * 0.05f); player.maxHP += HP_increase; player.maxMP += MP_increase; Attack.InitializeUnlearned(player.availableAttacks); levelUpAttacks = Attack.GetMovesToLearn(); Graphics.SetLevelUpAttacks(levelUpAttacks); Graphics.DisplayLevelUp(HP_increase, MP_increase); gameState = GameState.LevelUp; battleState = BattleState.OutOfBattle; } public void LoadData() { if (File.Exists("save.dat")) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("save.dat"); string mode = ""; while (!mode.Contains("[end]")) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line.StartsWith("[")) { mode = line; if (mode == "[attack]") player.availableAttacks.Clear(); if (mode == "[pattern]") enemyPattern.Clear(); } else if (line != "") { switch (mode) { case "[stat]": string[] split = line.Split(new string[] { "=" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (split.Length == 2) { switch (split[0]) { case "hp": player.maxHP = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "mp": player.maxMP = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "level": level = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "id": userID = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "victories": victories = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "defeats": losses = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "tutorial": tutorialState = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); break; case "name": = split[1]; break; } } break; case "[attack]": player.availableAttacks.Add(new Attack(Convert.ToInt32(line))); break; case "[pattern]": enemyPattern.Add(new Attack(Convert.ToInt32(line))); break; } } } sr.Close(); } } public void SaveData() { FileStream fs = new FileStream("save.dat", FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); //Write player's stat sw.WriteLine("[stat]"); sw.WriteLine("name=" +; sw.WriteLine("hp=" + player.maxHP); sw.WriteLine("mp=" + player.maxMP); sw.WriteLine("level=" + level); sw.WriteLine("victories=" + victories); sw.WriteLine("defeats=" + losses); sw.WriteLine("tutorial=" + tutorialState); sw.WriteLine("id=" + userID); //Write player's attacks sw.WriteLine("[attack]"); for (int i = 0; i < player.availableAttacks.Count; i++) { sw.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(player.availableAttacks[i].id)); } //Write Demon Lord's pattern sw.WriteLine("[pattern]"); for (int i = 0; i < enemyPattern.Count; i++) { sw.WriteLine(Convert.ToString(enemyPattern[i].id)); } sw.WriteLine("[end]"); sw.Close(); fs.Close(); } public void EraseSavedData() { tutorialState = 0; victories = 0; losses = 0; level = 0; FileStream fs = new FileStream("save.dat", FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); sw.WriteLine("[stat]"); sw.WriteLine("id=" + userID); sw.WriteLine("[end]"); sw.Close(); fs.Close(); Graphics.HideBackground(); Graphics.HideCombatStuff(); Graphics.HideDemonLord(); Graphics.HideLevelUp(); Graphics.HideMoves(); Graphics.HideTitle(); if (tutorialSprite != null) SpriteEngine.EraseGObject(tutorialSprite); Graphics.EraseCombatLog(); Graphics.EraseTitleStuff(); FirstStart(); } } }